Hello everyone. Anyone? Someone? Probably not. I am not so self absorbed to believe there are any stalkers out there watching this dusty old blog for updates after all this time. Indeed, I have written of late more as a personal diary than with any expectation of sharing my writing.
Anyway, just basically seeing if this site and publishing tool even works still. For anyone that followed my blogs and doesn't know why they suddenly stopped, I had a severe heart attack and life as I knew it hasn't been the same since. That said, at long last I have the time, energy, and desire to publicly write again, and am at a point where I am trying to decide where to spend these energies.
I am trying to actually consolidate a few things to achieve several objectives in the same project. Therefore I am thinking about blogging as I work on converting a screenplay into a novel, or novelette perhaps (is that even a word?). Should I decide to do that, I will select topics for this blog that perhaps illustrate differences between writing in novel form and screenwriting. Now, truth be told, I have not written a novel before, but have written a number of short stories, and now 13 screenplays. I am likely naive, but I feel like it should be a blast to take a fully developed SP and work it backwards to a story fully fleshed out in word. I guess I'll find out.
So, if there's anyone still out there, stay tuned!